

Student Life Support

1. Student Support Offices


WhatWhenWhere (Office)
StudyFor study registration, additions, withdrawalsAcademic Affairs Office
CurriculumFor timetables, lecture absences, supplementary classesAcademic Affairs Office
Regular examinationsFor supplementary examinations etc.Academic Affairs Office

Submission of Notifications and Issuance of Certification

WhatWhenWhere (Office)
Student IDReissuance of a lost or damaged cardAcademic Affairs Office
Student record changesFor leaves of absence, study trips, withdrawal, etc.Academic Affairs Office
Issuance of certification Student discount cardIf you need a certificate issued
If you will be traveling more than 100 km one-way on JR.
Academic Affairs Office

Tuition Fees and Scholarship Money

WhatWhenWhere (Office)
Payment of tuition feesPayment of tuition feesGeneral Affairs
Tuition fee exemptionsTuition fee exemptionsAcademic Affairs Office
Student loansStudent loansAcademic Affairs Office

Student Life

WhatWhenWhere (Office)
Lost and foundIf you have lost or found something on campusGeneral Affairs
Use of facilitiesIf you would like to use university facilities for extracurricular activitiesAcademic Affairs Office
Student life adviceIf you would like advice on student lifeAcademic Affairs Office
Health managementIf you would like health advice or counsellingHealth Office
Extracurricular activitiesIf you would like to create a group/club and post notices about itAcademic Affairs Office
HousingNotices can be posted on the student noticeboard (lounge in the Student Union building)Academic Affairs Office
Part-time workNotices can be posted on the student noticeboard (entrance to the Student Union building)Academic Affairs Office

Future Pathways

WhatWhenWhere (Office)
Employment and further study applicationsWhen you are looking for employment or to go on to further studyAcademic Affairs Office
National Examination applicationsWhen you wish to take National ExaminationsAcademic Affairs Office

2. Carrying Your Student ID

Your Student ID is an important document that certifies that you are a student of this university. Carry it with you at all times, so you can present it when asked, and keep it safe until you graduate.
Your university student ID card is also used for the following purposes:

  1. When you take regular exams
  2. When you use the University Library
  3. When you purchase Student Commuter Passes
  4. When you wish to obtain or use a student travel fare discount certificate (student discount certificate)

If you lose or damage your card, please submit a request to have it reissued. If you graduate or leave the university, please return your Student ID immediately to the Secretarial Office (Academic Affairs Office).

3. Communications/Notices for Students (Noticeboards)

Communications and notices will be given to students via university noticeboards. Check the noticeboards whenever you arrive at or leave the university. Please note that any notices posted will be deemed to have been shared with all students. Be sure to check the noticeboards so that you don’t miss anything.

Noticeboard Locations

Year-Level-Specific NoticeboardsFirst- and Second-Year Students1st floor of the Education & Research Building – Student Union side of the Center Hall
Third-Year and Transfer Students1st floor of the Education & Research Building – Administration Building side of the Center Hall
Fourth-Year and Graduate School Students2nd floor of the Education & Research Building – centrally located in the Center Hall
All-Year-Level Common Noticeboards1st floor of the Education & Research Building – centrally located in the Center Hall
Student Noticeboards1st floor of the Education & Research Building – centrally located in the Center Hall
Entrance to the Student Union Building (Education & Research Building side)
Lounge and study area in the Student Union Building
Lounge and Future Pathways Corner in the Student Union Building

Content of Notices

Content of NoticesNotice Locations
Student Noticeboards
Education & Research
Student Union
Center HallEntranceLounge
1st/2nd floor1st floor1st
Education &
Building side
Study areaFuture
Notices from
the University
Announcement of
university rules/
University event
Payment of tuition fees/
exemptions/scholarships &
student loan information
(lectures, exams, etc.)
Future pathways
(applications for
National Examinations,
employment etc.)
Student summons
(Extracurricular activities,
found items, festivals, etc.)
Student association,
University festival,
club activities etc.
OtherInformation on future
Information from outside
the university

4. Summons from Outside the University & Receiving Mail

Outside of emergenciesy or other extremely important situations, the university will not take requests from within or outside the university to summon individual students. In addition, the university cannot receive mail on behalf of individual students, so please let your family and friends know.
However, for groups recognized by the university (Student Association, University Festival Organization Committee, clubs, etc.), mail may be claimed at the Secretarial Office (General Affairs Office), and will be delivered to the mailbox in front of the Faculty Office (3rd floor of the Education & Research Building).

5. Lost-and-Found Item Notifications

If you notice that you have lost or forgotten money or other items on campus, or you think they have been stolen, please notify the General Affairs Office as soon as possible. If you have found a lost item, please take it immediately to the General Affairs Office.

6. Rules for the Use of Teaching Materials and Other Resources

  • Do not use for purposes other than study
  • Obtain permission from the teacher in charge if using for self-study
  • Do not use in locations other than those permitted
  • Notify the teacher in charge immediately if any item has been damaged
  • When you are finished using teaching materials or other resources, restore them to their original state and return them to their original location
  • If damage occurs, or the item is lost, due to deliberate or significant negligence, the university may ask for compensation for any damage caused